Don't blame what's posted here on the Messenger! Blame it on the COP'S who created the message! Cop's are a threat to society, and the minute they become a so called law enforcement/officer they are licensed murderer's using the excuse of upholding the law to kill people!
An injured motorcyclist was brought into St. Elizabeth's Hospital Emergency Room in Utica, NY to be
examined and treated by medical staff for severe injuries! Not to endure a
"Custodial Interrogation" given by Oneida County Sheriff Deputy
Oneida County Deputy Sheriff Avard crossed the line! This is what happened...
An injured motorcyclist was brought into St. Elizabeth's Emergency Room to be
examined and treated by medical staff for severe injuries! But had to endure a
"Custodial Interrogation" given by Oneida County Sheriff Deputy
The injured motorcylist was in severe pain, with a dislocated shoulded, thumb, abrasions over the entire right side and of the his body and this did not include the internal injuries that the motorclist had. The injured motorcyclist could have been resting peacefully in his room,and given pain medication to ease his suffering but Oneida County Sheriff Deputy Avard intefered with the injured motorcylist medical treatment. And tormented the motorcyclist as he lay in the hospital emergency room. Deputy Avard conduct in the hopsital ER was OUTRAGES!
This Oneida County Sheriff Deputy Avard insisted that he had the right to question the motorcyclist about the accident. Even though the injured motorcyclist was in no condition to endure let alone respond to Deputy Avards questioning. But Deputy Avard insisted and proceeded with his "Nazi Custodial Interrogation".
While in St. Elizabeth's Emergency Room, Deputy Avard
demanded that the motorcyclist answer his questions about the accident? And when the injured
motorcyclist closed his eyes from pain spasms, Deputy Avard put his hand on the
backboard the injured motorcyclist was secured to and shook it!!! Telling the
injured motorcyclist to open his eyes! Look at his pen, follow it! Deputy Avard
also wanted him to say the alphabet backwards.
Then without caring or knowing about the extent of the internal
injuries of the injured motorcyclist, Oneida County Sheriff Deputy Avard
insisted that he take a deep breath and blow hard into a hand held breathalyzer
Deputy Avard was holding. Deputy Avard was told by the injured motorcyclist that
he could not breathe and was choking from the kneck brace! But that
didn’t matter, Deputy Avard kept aggressively insisting that that injured
motorcyclist do as he ordered!
And it was only later on, after the chest x-rays were
reviewed by medical personnel at St. Elizabeth's Hospital that it was
discovered that the injured motorcylist had (12) broken ribs along with other injuries! Oneida County
Sheriff Deputy Avard had endangered the life of the motorcylist by ORDERING the injured motorcylist to take deep
breathes and blow into his hand held breathalyzer.
Anyone of those ribs could have punctured a rib, a heart or down other internal damage. And because the injured motorcyclist could not comply with Deputy Avards orders because he was unable to, Deputy Avard filed a false report about the incident.
Oneida County Sheriff Macio has been contacted about this incident. The injured motorcyclist wasnt discipilinary action taken against Oneida Couty Sheriff Deputy Avard. Oneida County Sheriff Macaio has been notified about the incident and Federal Lawsuit will be filed against Oneida County Sheriff Deputy Avard, et al.
This is just blatant police brutality on helpless people and this time Oneida County Sheriff Deputy Avard went to far! Avard messed with a Veteran!
The New York State Department of Labor has announced job and unemployment data for March, and despite a slight increase in the unemployment rate, the state’s private-sector job count is at an all-time high.
The jobs report data released this month show New York state’s economy added 21,500 private-sector jobs, or 0.3 percent, to the job pool in March, totaling a record 7.3 million jobs. According to the Labor Department’s monthly jobs analysis, since the beginning of the state’s economic recovery in November 2009, New York has added 332,900 private-sector jobs and regained all of the private-sector jobs it lost during the recession.
Mary Vanouse of the Director of the City of Oswegos, Community Development Office is one of the people directly responsible for this problem. Vanouse had already destroyed two businesses. One was a solar/wind "Green" energy company with the potential of creating over 100 well paying jobs.
Vanouse should have been fired as Director of the City of Oswegos, Community Development Office, but do to her political connections she is still employed with the City of Oswego.
Personal work being done on McGraths property by City of Oswego employees, being paid for by City of Oswego tax payer's. This is what Oswego taxpayers are paying for - an arsonist to have his property improved at tax payers expense!
Notice a black and white city vehicle parked next to the curb, it was their for over an hour while the driver who works for the water department was in McGraths house.
You have - Rita Tickle, that fat troll Tickle had to be blowing a few people? She got herself reappointed as Personnel Director for the City of Oswego. They got rid of that toad once - but she's back like a bad case of STD's
Then you
got Mary Vanouse - City of Oswegos, Community Development Director - she’s so
dumb; she could throw himself on the ground and miss!
And then you
Kathryn Miano - the only thing she understands is FAT CLOTHES!
Another ueless woman on the City of Oswegos, Payroll. Kathryn Miano - Assistant Housing Director in the City of Oswegos, Community Development Office. Refused to help a "VETERAN" who applied for a housing rehabilitation program even though the Veteran meets all the requirments.
Now - if they only would investigate Robert McGrath?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
READ! Oswego City Tax Payers Dollars Being Wasted!
City of Oswego refuses to help veteran!
Robert McGrath, Clerk of the Works for the City of Oswego is in his bar when he supposed to be working!
Rita Tickle, City of oswego Personell Director was notified but takes no action!
Mary Vanouse, City of Oswego, Community Development Director, given business plan, vanishes, and business is ruined.
Kathryn Miano denies a veteran who is a homeowner a housing rehabilitation grant even though the home owner is eligible for the grant.
Watch video as Robert McGrath - Clerk of the Works leaves his bar on city time!!!
McGrath you ruined a lot of people lives, espeically those girls apartment house you burned down. Billy Boy Mercier your brother-in- law is guilty to, along with John "Pedohile" Gosek!
That white car in the photo above is McGraths, he is supposed to at work for the City of Oswego but instead he's inside his bar.
McGrath is suppose to be working for the City of Oswego. But watch the video, McGrath is coming out of his bar at 8:00 am in the morning. McGrath needs to take a breathelyzer, and a drug test. This is what the tax payers of Oswego are paying for.
Robert "SPARKY" McGrath
You laughing now "SPARKY"?
Click on the link below - watch as McGrath comes out of his bar and heads back to work at Oswego City Hall - this is what tax payers of the City of Oswego are paying for!
McGrath was arrested for arson, drugs, files for banruptcy, got a phony job with the City of Oswego, gets paid by the City of Oswego for doing peronal business. Here's a link to McGraths bankruptcy, just copy and paste it to Google.
Lizzie "Lizard" Banta - I wonder what she did when she found her SOB of a husband Robert was out and about offering women drugs for sex?
From A KR - He's useless. I've had to deal with him
many times on very important issues about my property and a 5 yr old could have
done better. I've called at 1:30 pm (more than once) and he's gone for the day!
And then I was told he comes in at 6:30 am. Yeah NOT!!! He's assigned to
engineering issues. Thought one needed schooling and/ or degree for that.. I'm
so fed up with the politics of this city, including the slum lords getting away
on destroying this once beautiful, that I plan on leaving very soon I always
thought I would keep a place here for Summer when I retired. No way now. There's
an exodus of good people leaving and an influx of trouble from the HUD titty
tap! Another blame on politics and slumlords. How do these people keep these
jobs is beyond me. And by the way I don't care who reads this cause it's the
damn truth ! Truth hurts!! You go Joe and get the truth !! Right
From CB - That shit about ole Sparky is hilarious,
but VERY INFURIATING! And Rita? What the hell?! Is she dumb or something? There
is no proof? There is proof bitch, and most of it is 90 proof! Give that bastard
a breathalizer and urine screen. He'll fail for alcohol and cocaine every
time!!! I hate that son of a bitch! Makes me not want to pay my
That son-of-a-bitch-McGrath when you call the Oswego Engineers Office where
McGrath is suppose to working at, and ask what time McGrath goes to work? The person on
the other end of the phone will tell you 6:30 am. WHAT? Like hell he does!
McGrath is down to his joint, but getting paid by the City of Oswego.
Robert McGrath, Clerk of the Works for the City of Oswego, with a Gosek for mayor sticker on the bumper of his car. McGrath was arrested for arson among other things, he is a close friend/butt buddy of Gosek. So an arsonist supports a sex offender for Mayor of Oswego. And how many MORONS GO TO MCGRATHS BAR? Outsiders make fun of Oswego residents because they are so stupid! Oswegonians a bunch of inbreds.
Offender Id:
Last Name:
First Name:
5 ' 11 "
Middle Name:
Jan 21, 1947
Risk Level:
Corr. Lens:
Barbara "Missy" Banta Mercier and William Mercier two members from the some of the dirtiest and corrupt families in Oswego, NY. William Mericer while Alderman of the 1st Ward in the City of Oswego, new that his borther-in-law Robert McGrath was responsible for the arson fires on his block and did nothing about it. Barbara Banta is the sister of McGraths wife Lizzie!
And William Mercier is a very close friend of former disgraced, pedophile Mayor of Oswego, John Gosek. Mercier was a vocal and active in Gosek campaign to get elected Republican Mayor of Oswego.
Both Mercier and his wife Missy Banta used Merciers position on the Common Council to make money through through politcal dealings and the manipulation of zoning laws for the apartments they own.
Banta works for the Oswego City School District as a teacher along with other family members. These people are as dirty as they come... Oswego scum!
What is wrong with the City of Oswegos, Personell Director, Rita Tickle? She has been notified of the misconduct by Robert McGrath while working for the City of Oswego and refuses to investigate McGrath, or take any action whatsoever? Rita Tickle has got to be terminated as City Oswegos -Personnel Director.
Rita "Tubby" Tickle, City of Oswego, Personnel Director did nothing while Robert McGrath, Clerk of the Works, for the City of Oswego was caught setting a house fire. McGrath was arrested, and charged with arson. Rita Tickle was asked what she was going to do about this? Her reply was: "I have no control over what McGrath does on his own time." So Rita Tickle lets an arsonist continue to work for the City of Oswego, collect a salary of over $33,000.00 a year plus benefits. Take a city staff car for personal use, conduct personal business on city time, is notified and does nothing about it! What are City of Oswego tax payers paying for?
That photo above was on the corner of West Van Buren, and 5th Street. It was a apartment house McGrath was caught at setting fire to it. It was the second time in a couple of weeks that the house was set on fire. McGrath was arrested and charged with arson. There where two other houses that where torched, one on the corner of 6th and Montcalm Street, and the other was the Psi Phi Fraternity House just several houses away from where McGrath lives.
This is the Psi Phi Fraternity House - it was one of the houses destroyed by fire - it was located only a few doors down from McGraths house, the other house was right around the corner from McGraths at the corner of W 6th and Van Buren, Street. The apartment house McGrath setting fire to was located at West 5th and Van Buren Street. And the fire that burned down the Pizza Shop and killed the college student was located directly across from the McGrath's bar "The Clubhouse Tavern". And McGrath was standing there the night of that fire.
Robert McGrath is on the neighborhood watch list in the 1st Ward, City of Oswego.
Message from Rita Tickle
There is no proof of anything in those planters. There is no date or time on the picture of the city car either. Do you have a date and time?
Rita Tickle Personnel Director City of Oswego
Now Rita Tickle says she won't do anything about Robert McGrath. She wants the dates and times these photos where taken? Okay then...
This photo was taken on Nov 28, 2007 at 1:58 pm park across the street from Robert McGraths house at 18 West 5th Street, Oswego, NY 13126. Phone Number 315 - 343 - 5788.
This first photo shows Robert McGrath walking to his new house across from his old house on West 5th Street. He had just left
City Hall in a City Engineer's car. Taken on: 04.03.2012 - time; 10:23am.
This photo was taken on: 01.24.2011. Time 12:37 pm.
Same car still sitting there: 01:24.2011 - time 1:40 pm over an hour and McGrath still hasn't come out of the house.
This photo was taken on 10.25.2010 at 11:42 am. Just random photos of different days and McGrath is at home getting paid for it.
McGrath was denied a variance to build his two story house. But McGrath went a head and built it anyway, ruining his neighbors view of the lake.
Now when you build a house your suppose to file a site plan, and your to get it approve by the Zoning Board before you start building. You must buy a building permit and display. And these building permits can be expensive and the money goes into the city treasury to help pay city bills, and keep property taxes down. But McGrath didn't do this so the tax payers got burned again by McGrath.
Date photo was taken: 04.02.2012, Time 10:40 am. (:Location "Forks of the Road", in the City of Oswego. Now look at those stone planters. They are city property, paid for by the tax payers, if you look at the photo below you will see two of those city owned planters in front of McGraths joint. And Rita Tickle says that: "There is no proof of anything in those planters."
Hey Rita! You got to get off your fat ass and investigate this before you can say anything about it.
Date photo was taken: 11.17.2011, 9:32 am. Location, McGraths bar, West Second, and Bridge Street, two planters sitting next to it. Suppose to be on the corners. There is this person who knows Robert McGrath well, McGrath went over to a bar on the Eastside of Oswego, and offered a woman drugs for sex. But the woman turned him down. She quiped; "No amount of drugs or money would ever get to go to bed with McGrath, he's disgusting." And that son-of-a-bitch-McGrath when you call the Oswego Engineers Office where McGrath is suppose to work, and ask what time McGrath goes to work the person on the other end of the phone will tell you 6:30 am. WHAT? Like hell he does! McGrath is down at his bar but getting paid by the City of Oswego.
And here is the answer Rita Tickle gave about McGrath and the city vehicle.
This is an e-mail from Rita Tickle
I addressed your concern about Mr. McGrath’s alleged use of a “city staff car for personal use,” however I did not address your concern about Mr. McGrath’s alleged theft of city planners for in front of his business. This is not a personnel matter. If you believe a crime has taken place you should report it as such.
Rita Tickle
Personnel Director City of Oswego
(Like hell you did Tickle! You where ask if you are going to investigate McGrath and you come up with some sort of garbage answer?) What are you doing sleeping with him? McGraths married you know?)
Tickle did this last time - McGrath got arrested and charged with arson, but did nothing...Other photos will be posted here in the future.
And here we have Mary Vanouse!
Vanouse-Director of Community Development
20 West Oneida
Street, 3rd Floor
Oswego, New York 13126
Vanouse what you did to that start up business is CRIMINAL! You killed that business Vanouse before it had a chance to prosper and took away the business owners lively hood.
Mary Vanouse was given a completed Micro-Enterprise Application, along with a business plan for it, and a DBA (Business Certificate) that was filed with the Oswego County Clerks Office.
Note: That business plan took weeks to develop. Vanouse was told when she was handed the material to please review it immediatelly so if there was a problem with it - it could be corrected. Vanouse did not review the application until 45 days later. The business was time sensitive, so by when Vanouse got around to reviewing the application it was just to late, and the jobs it would have created lost!
But it wasn't just one business Vanouse ruined, but two! One was called "Solar Wind Energies". It had to do with the assembly of solar panels, water turbines, and wind turbines (green energy products) produced right in Oswego, NY, Along with research and development of new types of batteries and "pulse magnets - sound vibration tubes - that generated electricity". The future of Oswego lost because of one woman! Mary Vanouse.
Vanouse was given that material on the 8th of one month - and never reviewed this material until the 24th of the next month. A total of 45 days had passed before Vanouse reveiwed the material but by then it was to late. A critical time period had passed and the business oppurtunity was lost.
Vanouse was told when she received the information to process it immediately to see if there would be a problem with it and contact the business owner so he could have correct it! The first 48 hours where critical, but Vanouse did nothing with it for 45 days. So a perfectly good business was ruined by Vanouse before it even had a chance to start up!
Ask Vanouse about the incident, and she will say that there was something wrong with the credit part of the application and she could not forward it. Well Mary! Thats why you where told to process the Micro-Enterprise Application immediately! So any problems with the application could have been corrected. Instead of reviewing the information within the first 48 hours of recieving it - you waited 45 days. And there was repeated calls to your office asking about applications status. But you never returned any of the calls, you where no where to be found.
There where other options open to the owner of the business. He could have gone to the bank, he had backers ready, collateral, GI Bill Business loan guarantee ready. But he could not retrieve his business plan because no one in your office new where it was?
Here's is just one of several e-mail's from the business owner to the financial advisor of the business, it tells how Mary Vanouse is not doing her job :
Hi ***:
I don't think there is anything wrong with approaching banks with your proposal.
I don't know what their response will be - banks are notorious for declining
start up businesses and of course the credit analysis will be more stringent.
Have you explained to Mary the critical/seasonal nature of getting the biz
going before summer is in full swing? When I worked for Syracuse, we used to have loan committee
meetings by phone for special projects when we
didn't have enough loans to call everyone together.
Good luck and let me know what happens.
At 06:33 AM 6/29/** -0700, you wrote:
Hi Mike!
>I got thinking, today is day 21. That financing
>proposal decision should not be taking this long.
>The company will definitely make a profit. We both have
>done all that could be done. What I am considering now is...? "I will wait
>June 30, 0000 (tomorrow, Friday). And if Mary Vanouse
>does not contact me, then after the holiday weekend I
>will go directly to 4 different banks and apply for
>the business loan. "Harbor fest is only 26 days away!"
>It is going to take time to order the merchandise, get
>the software installed in the computer plus other
>things. And because of the delays in the program
>administered by Mary Vanouse. I really don't know if
>I'll be able to have a place to do business!
Mike you know as well as I do that this is no way to
>run that program (Micro Enterprise) in Oswego. The way
>this program is done has to be changed.
to Mary Vanouse's secretary, I was informed that they waite until they have
several business proposal before
>they meet. This is wrong. (But I didn't say that to
>her.) I've been quite! Don't want to "rock the boat".
>Anyway, one bank I talked to here in Oswego
has what's
>called the "Merchant Program for Credit Cards." Same
>rates I assume as the other system. This program sends
>the credit cards account direct to your bank. I'm
>going to go with this. Well that's about it. Let me know what you think?