Thursday, April 12, 2012

Robert "The Arsonist" McGrath, Clerk of the Works, City of oswego.

McGrath is suppose to be working for the City of Oswego. But watch the video, McGrath is coming out of his bar at 8:00 am in the morning. McGrath needs to take a breathelyzer, and a drug test. This is what the tax payers of Oswego are paying for.

Robert "SPARKY" McGrath
You laughing now "SPARKY"?
Click on the link below - watch as McGrath comes out of his bar and heads back to work at Oswego City Hall - this is what tax payers of the City of Oswego are paying for!

McGrath was arrested for arson, drugs, files for banruptcy, got a phony job with the City of Oswego, gets paid by the City of Oswego for doing peronal business. Here's a link to McGraths bankruptcy, just copy and paste it to Google.

Lizzie "Lizard" Banta - I wonder what she did when she found her SOB of a husband Robert was out and about offering women drugs for sex?

From A KR - He's useless. I've had to deal with him many times on very important issues about my property and a 5 yr old could have done better. I've called at 1:30 pm (more than once) and he's gone for the day! And then I was told he comes in at 6:30 am. Yeah NOT!!! He's assigned to engineering issues. Thought one needed schooling and/ or degree for that.. I'm so fed up with the politics of this city, including the slum lords getting away on destroying this once beautiful, that I plan on leaving very soon I always thought I would keep a place here for Summer when I retired. No way now. There's an exodus of good people leaving and an influx of trouble from the HUD titty tap! Another blame on politics and slumlords. How do these people keep these jobs is beyond me. And by the way I don't care who reads this cause it's the damn truth ! Truth hurts!! You go Joe and get the truth !! Right on

From CB - That shit about ole Sparky is hilarious, but VERY INFURIATING! And Rita? What the hell?! Is she dumb or something? There is no proof? There is proof bitch, and most of it is 90 proof! Give that bastard a breathalizer and urine screen. He'll fail for alcohol and cocaine every time!!! I hate that son of a bitch! Makes me not want to pay my taxes!!!!

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